To alleviate the spasm on the hemiplegic upper limb by using one of the modern facilitation techniques-Rood Its facilitation techniques were quick stretch and tapping on the extension muscle of upper limb. 抑制患侧上肢屈肌痉挛统一采用的现代促通技术:Rood易化技术中的快速刷擦、叩击等方法刺激患侧上肢伸肌;
The research indicates that the controller with algorithms of neural learning and self-regulated gain on line is adaptive, quick and high precision in the force control of the pneumatic muscle actuator. 研究表明,这种控制器的神经元学习和增益在线自调整算法使其对气动人工肌肉的力控制具有很强的自适应性.控制响应快、精度高。